Whistle Blowing Policy & Procedures

SAF Yacht Club (the “Club”) is committed to the highest standards of ethical, moral and legal business conduct.

Purpose and Scope

SAF Yacht Club does not tolerate any malpractice, impropriety, statutory non-compliance or wrongdoing by staff in the course of their work. This Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedures (the “Policy”) is intended to provide a framework to promote responsible and secure whistleblowing without fear of adverse consequences.

Employees and outside parties, such as suppliers, clients and other stakeholders, may use the procedures set out in the Policy to report any concern or complaint regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters, internal controls, disclosure matters, conflict of interest, or any other matters involving fraud, corruption and employee misconduct.

The Policy aims to achieve the following:

  1. Encourage employees to raise serious concerns early to Audit Sub-Committee so that actions could be taken immediately to resolve them.
  2. Establish a trusted avenue for employees, suppliers, members and other stakeholders to report serious wrongdoings or concerns.
  3. Put in place proper arrangement to facilitate independent investigation of the reported concern, and ensure appropriate follow-up actions.
  4. Promote and develop a culture of accountability, integrity and transparency.

The whistleblower’s email for reporting irregularities and wrongdoings may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Concerns about SAF Yacht Club’s accounting, internal controls or auditing matters;
  2. Corruption, acts of fraud, theft, impropriety and misuse of SAF Yacht Club’s properties, assets or resources;
  3. Conduct which is an offence or breach of law;
  4. Serious conflict of interest without disclosure;
  5. Serious breach of SAF Yacht Club’s policies or code of conduct;
  6. Concealing information about any of the above malpractice or misconduct; and
  7. Any other serious improper conduct that may cause financial or non-financial losses to SAF Yacht Club or damages to its reputation.

Reporting Channel

If the whistleblower decides to file a report, he/she should raise it to the immediate attention of anyone of the following person(s) (by sending a written report, emailing or reporting in person):

For the Attention of Chairman of the Audit Sub-Committee
SAF Yacht Club
43 Admiralty Road West
Singapore 759962
Email: whistleblow@safyc.org.sg

Written documents addressed to either of the above contacts should be sealed in an envelope marked “PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL – TO BE OPENED BY ADDRESSEE ONLY”. If documents are sent by post, please do so by registered mail to avoid documents being lost during delivery. If the whistleblower would like to discuss any matter in person, the whistleblower should indicate this in his/her report and include a telephone number for contact purpose.

All valid concerns or irregularities raised will be acknowledged and treated with confidence throughout the process.